Friday, October 7, 2011

Talend ELT Components

Purpose of the ELT Talend Components :

The ELT Talend components (Input, Mapper and Output) are useful for bulk loading the tables by pushing the processing overhead to the Database server rather than iterating through the resultsets in memory.

Example ELT Components for MYSQL. 

The three components (input, map, output) are closely tied and have to be used together.
  1. tELTMySqlInput
  2. tELTMySqlMap
  3. tELTMySqlOutput
 What can you do with ELT Components :
  1. The main purpose of the ELT components is PERFORMANCE.
  2. Bulk read/insert into tables by using different tables and all types of JOINS, WHERE clauses and GROUP BY and HAVING clauses.
What can you NOT do with ELT Components :
  1. You cannot JOIN tables from different SCHEMAS which means that the tables should be sourced from the same database schema.
Things to keep in mind when using the ELT_Mapping component

It always helps to check the SQL generated for us in the "Generated SQL" tab of editor of the ELT_Mapping component for syntax errors.

Happy Talending!



  1. can you plz post one sample job on this ? I could hardly find any material on this .

  2. Hello Praveena,

    My source database is different and the target database is different.Trying to load the data i am getting an error table or view does not exist.I am using tELTOracleInput,tELTOraclemap,tELTOracleOutput. I found that the tELTOracleMap is taking single database connection details. Can you please help me.
